What Happens If You Break An Invisalign Tray?

Invisalign trays are strong enough to deal with everyday use. However, accidents can sometimes damage a tray. For example, if you drop a tray onto a hard floor, then it might crack. If you then accidentally step on it, then it might also lose its shape.

If this hasn't happened before, then you won't know exactly what to do. Read on to learn more about your options.

Keep Wearing the Tray

Sometimes, you can carry on wearing a damaged tray. You only wear a tray for a few weeks at a time before replacing it, so you might be able to use it for long enough if it isn't too damaged.

Typically, this only works if the tray still has its shape and is intact. If it does have a crack, then the crack should be closed. Open cracks won't hold trays together in your mouth. If a tray isn't the right shape, then it could damage your teeth rather than move them into the right places.

Go Back to Your Previous Tray

If your tray is too damaged to wear right now, and you haven't been wearing it that long, then your dentist might tell you to go back to using your previous tray. This is usually a temporary measure until your dentist fixes the problem.

For example, they might be able to repair a damaged tray to make it wearable again. Or, they might have to order a replacement. In either case, you'll have a wait for the tray to be repaired or replaced. In the meantime, your old tray keeps your teeth in a holding position.

Move on to Your Next Tray

In some cases, your dentist might tell you to move on to using your next tray early if you damage the one you are currently wearing. Typically, they'll only do this shortly before you are due to switch up trays anyway.

You have a small window when switching to your next tray early won't do any harm. Your current damaged tray will have moved your teeth enough to basically fit the next tray in your sequence.

However, your dentist needs to assess this move carefully. If you start wearing the next tray in your sequence when your teeth haven't completely moved, then you can do some damage. In this case, your dentist is more likely to tell you to go back to an earlier tray.

If you have damaged an Invisalign tray, then contact your dentist as soon as you can. They need to discuss the damage or see the tray to decide what you should do next. 
