4 Tips For Handling Dental Emergencies

When you encounter a dental emergency, it is important that you know how to properly act and react. The right reaction when you are facing a dental emergency can help to protect your mouth.

1. Using Pressure for Bitten Lip or Tongue

If you have bitten hard down on your lip or tongue, you will want to focus on reducing the swelling. You can do this by taking a cold compress and wrap it up in a cloth. This should help to reduce the swelling and the pain. Your tongue or lip may heal on its own. If you experience heavy bleeding due to a bitten tip or tongue, you are going to want to head to the emergency room.

2. Carefully Dealing With Tooth Pain

If you are experiencing toothache pain, you are going to want to treat it with care. Take some warm water and rinse it around in your mouth. This can help to reduce pain and clean up anything that is harming your mouth. You may also want to floss around the tooth where you are feeling the pain. The pain may be associated with food or debris that is trapped around your tooth, causing you pain. You can also take an aspirin and apply it directly to the gum tissue around the hurting tooth.

With tooth pain, you are going to want to call your dentist. Explain to your dentist where the pain originates from, when it started, and how it feels. Your dentist will use this information to determine what could be wrong and what next steps should be taken.

3. Salvaging a Broken Tooth

If you broke your tooth, try to grab any pieces of tooth that you can find. Put the tooth pieces in a bag. Then, once you have gathered the broken pieces, carefully rinse your mouth out with warm water. You may also want to apply a cold compress to your face.

Call your dentist and let them know what tooth broke, how it broke, and what parts you could salvage. You are going to want to get an appointment immediately.

4. Fixing a Knocked-Out Tooth Requires Quick Thinking

If your entire tooth got knocked out, you would want to handle it a little differently than just a broken chunk of the tooth. Be sure to only hold the tooth by the crown. Very carefully rinse it with a little warm water. Then, take the tooth and put it in some warm water with a bit of salt. Alternatively, you can place it in a cup of milk.

You are going to want to move fast. If you can get to a dentist within an hour, they may be able to restore it. Call your dentist and head out the door to get there as quickly as possible, and let the receptionist know what is happening when you arrive to save your tooth quickly.

If your tooth is knocked out, get to your emergency dental care provider as fast as possible. If your tooth is knocked out, save it and get to the dentist quickly. If you feel tooth pain, rinse your mouth, floss, and use aspirin. With a broken lip or tongue, if the bleeding is heavy, head to the emergency room.
